Helping Us … Ag cuidiú linn

Roslea Shamrocks is about much more than promoting gaelic games. It is about helping to rise to the increasing challenges that face our community, our people in Roslea. We owe it to them to enrich the fabric of their lives by retaining our culture and our village/rural way of life and to provide them with the best facilities and services possible. We need to continue to give our youth something positive to be part of, something to cling on to in an ever-changing world and to inspire them to be the best they can be.

A big part of that will involve sustaining the beliefs, the commitment and the spirit which underpins Cairde Seamróga and everyone associated with it.
We are simply driven by trying to improve our local place for family, for friends and for those that will come after us and by that sense of belonging that binds us together.

Cairde Seamróga Membership is £21 or €25 per month (£252 or €300 per year)

Cairde Seamróga Ros liath is open to all ages so please do not hesitate to get in touch. We also have an easy payment scheme to allow members to pay monthly by standing order. If you know of anyone, perhaps a past member living away from home or overseas, or simply someone who would like to contribute to our development plans, please get in touch with any of the following officers.

Contributions can also be sent directly to the following address:
Seamus McMahon, Cairde Seamroga Ros Liath, C/o 9 Eshnadarragh Road, Roslea. Co. Fermanagh.

Thank you for your support. This acquisition was made possible by the decency and generosity of spirit of the Goodwin family.

This project now becomes our next immediate focus and with your help and continued com